
For a more up-to-date list of publications, please visit my Google Scholar profile. For questions on any specific publication, feel free to email me.

Preprints:  (¥ = equal contribution, * = corresponding author)

CS Begg, MP Walsh, JM Phelps, EH Wolpert, EF Fiandra, EFG Winful, AR Haworth, D Yufit, KE Johnston, CS Mahon, KE Jelfs, MO Kitching, Selective Recognition of Quaternary Ammonium Cations, DOI:10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-0bbgm Link to article

CS Coates, M Baise, JM Bulled, EH Wolpert, JW Makepeace, HC Walker, AS Gibbs, DA Fortes, B Slater, AL Goodwin, Structure and dynamics of the negative thermal expansion material Cd(CN)2 under pressure, DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2302.09963 Link to article

EH Wolpert, FX Coudert, AL Goodwin, Skyrmion lattices in chiral metal-organic frameworks DOI:10.26434/chemrxiv.12515594.v1 Link to article

Peer-reviewed publications:  (¥ = equal contribution, * = corresponding author)

12. EH Wolpert* and KE Jelfs* (2024) Introducing chirality in porous organic cages through solid-state interactions. Chem. Sci. DOI:10.1039/D4SC04430D  Link to article

11. JA Schmidt¥, EH Wolpert¥, GM Sparrow, ER Johnson, KE Jelfs (2023) The effect of [n]-helicene length on crystal packing, Cryst. Growth Des. 23, 8909–8917 Link to article

10. A Tarzia, EH Wolpert, KE Jelfs, GM Pavan (2023) Systematic exploration of accessible topologies of cage molecules via minimalistic models, Chem. Sci. 14, 12506-12517. Link to article

9.  EH Wolpert, SJ Cassidy, AL Goodwin (2023) On the polytypism of layered MX2 materials, Phys. Rev. Mater. 7, 093605. Link to article

8.  EH Wolpert*, A. Tarzia, KE Jelfs* (2023) The effect of disorder in multicomponent covalent organic frameworks, Chem. Commun. 59, 6909-6912. Link to article

7. T Fleck-Kunde, EH Wolpert, L zur Horst, R Oestreich, C Janiak, KE Jelfs, BM Schmidt (2022) Observation of Rare Tri6Di9 Imine Cages Using Highly Fluorinated Building Blocks, Organic Materials 4, 255-260. Link to article

6. EH Wolpert* and KE Jelfs* (2022) Coarse-grained modelling for predicting the packing of porous organic cages, Chem. Sci. 13, 13588-13599. Link to article

5. I Bechis, AF Sapnik, A Tarzia, EH Wolpert, MA Addicoat, DA Keen, TD Bennett, KE. Jelfs (2022) Modelling the effect of defects and disorder in amorphous metal−organic frameworks, Chem. Mater. 34, 9042-9054. Link to article

4. AM Mroz, V Posligua, A Tarzia, EH Wolpert, KE Jelfs (2022) Into the unknown: how computation can help explore uncharted materials space, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 18730-18743. Link to article

3. J Wade, F Salerno, RC Kilbride, DK Kim, JA Schmidt, JA Smith, L LeBlanc, EH Wolpert, A Adeleke, ER Johnson, J Nelson, T Mori, KE Jelfs, S Heutz, MJ Fuchter (2022) Controlling anisotropic properties by manipulating the orientation of chiral small molecules, Nature Chem. 14, 1383-1389. Link to article

2. EM Reynolds, EH Wolpert, AR Overy, L Mizzi, A Simonov, JN Grima, S Kaskel, AL Goodwin (2021) Function from configurational degeneracy in disordered framework materials, Faraday Discuss. 225, 241-254. Link to article

1. EH Wolpert, AR Overy, PMM. Thygesen, A Simonov, MS Senn, AL Goodwin (2018) Hybrid local-order mechanism for inversion symmetry breaking Phys. Rev. B 97, 134106. Link to article